Organic Bamboo
Bamboo fabric is a natural fiber that is ideal for delicate baby skin due to its thermoregulatory and breathable properties that make it extra soft and gentle. Bamboo fiber is capable of adapting to the outdoor environment to keep the baby at the right temperature at all times of the year, which is why it is recommended at all times of the year. 

The fabric is organic and comes from a plant that grows naturally without the use of pesticides, fertilizers and chemicals that would risk being retained by the fabric and deposited on children's skin. 

 Organic cotton
Organic cotton is a natural fiber that differs from ordinary cotton due to its breathable properties. It is recommended for use especially for more sensitive skin. It is produced without the use of chemical pesticides that could come into contact with the body, thus developing potential irritation and dermatitis. 

Bamboo Sponge:
